Thursday, November 5, 2009

An Evolutionary Glitch (just a small one)

Evolution versus Creationism: Why did evolution not happen? "Because the Bible says that it didn't"! Where in the Bible? "I don't know, but my preacher said it didn't"! What proof is there that evolution did happen? "Skeletons, bones, fossils, and carbon dating. And besides, scientists say that it did"! 
This debate will go on until time ends. Here on Earth there will be no winner. I have studied both sides of the matter. I took Physical Anthropology in college to understand that side as well as I possibly could. I made an "A" in the class and enjoyed it thoroughly. The instructor was well informed in his material. I came out of the class with a much better understanding of the theory of evolution. It was admitted that the odds against evolution ever taking place were astronomical but, given enough time, anything was possible. (Not true. George Wallace would have never been elected President, Bob Hope would never have been funny, and Neal Young will never develop a singing voice!)
It is believed that the book of Genesis was written around 1450-1410 BC. Moses wrote it through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Alfred Russel Wallace published the theory of evolution in 1858. He had been working on the theory for many years. One year later, Charles Darwin published the same theory. The order in which living things were created is given in Genesis chapter 1. It matches our modern day fossil record exactly. God had revealed this information some 3000 years before man "discovered" it. You can look up this information at any time. I won't continue to bore you with it. Now, on to the glitch!
At this point, we have to get a little scientific. Please bear with me. The cell is the smallest form of life on the Earth. It always has been. The average adult body is made up of approximately 50 trillion cells. (That's 50 million million cells, and an educated guess). Each cell contains DNA molecules.The main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints since it contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells. It tells them where to form and what kind of form is needed. (That's why we don't grow our ears on our rears accidentally). The first cell had to be completely formed before it could ever support the mysterious thing that we call life. An example that I like to use is a Briggs and Stratton 5 horse power motor. It has to be fully assembled before it will run. A cell is significantly more complicated. There are many theories as to where this first cell came from or how it was developed. Once again, "given enough time, anything is possible". The scientists will admit that the odds against this are astronomical but, it did happen. I had cogitated on this for some time; where this first cell had come from and how it had existed. Then a more important question came to mind. Where did the second cell come from?
Finally, the glitch! The first cell would have had to contain, in it's DNA, the information to duplicate itself, or the second cell would have never been formed. The same would be expected of the second cell, and so forth. That multiplies astronomically by astronomically the odds against life coming into existence through the process of evolution. Just a small glitch, but in my mind, the answer to one of the biggest debates in human history. Do yourself a favor and do some research on cells and DNA. It boggles the mind to study God's creation. It also shows that it takes more faith to believe in man's theory of evolution that it does to believe in an intelligent design.


  1. RUN, DON'T WALK to The Huntsville Times and get a job writing a daily column. You're in the wrong line of work, my friend. Writing is your gift. (And a Southern man don't need ol' Neal around anyhow.)

  2. The type of subjects that I ponder and post would not be found in a modern secular newspaper. Bad news is more popular than good news. Thanks a million anyway. I see you made the connection with Neal. Very perceptive.
