Thursday, November 5, 2009

An Evolutionary Glitch (just a small one)

Evolution versus Creationism: Why did evolution not happen? "Because the Bible says that it didn't"! Where in the Bible? "I don't know, but my preacher said it didn't"! What proof is there that evolution did happen? "Skeletons, bones, fossils, and carbon dating. And besides, scientists say that it did"! 
This debate will go on until time ends. Here on Earth there will be no winner. I have studied both sides of the matter. I took Physical Anthropology in college to understand that side as well as I possibly could. I made an "A" in the class and enjoyed it thoroughly. The instructor was well informed in his material. I came out of the class with a much better understanding of the theory of evolution. It was admitted that the odds against evolution ever taking place were astronomical but, given enough time, anything was possible. (Not true. George Wallace would have never been elected President, Bob Hope would never have been funny, and Neal Young will never develop a singing voice!)
It is believed that the book of Genesis was written around 1450-1410 BC. Moses wrote it through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Alfred Russel Wallace published the theory of evolution in 1858. He had been working on the theory for many years. One year later, Charles Darwin published the same theory. The order in which living things were created is given in Genesis chapter 1. It matches our modern day fossil record exactly. God had revealed this information some 3000 years before man "discovered" it. You can look up this information at any time. I won't continue to bore you with it. Now, on to the glitch!
At this point, we have to get a little scientific. Please bear with me. The cell is the smallest form of life on the Earth. It always has been. The average adult body is made up of approximately 50 trillion cells. (That's 50 million million cells, and an educated guess). Each cell contains DNA molecules.The main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints since it contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells. It tells them where to form and what kind of form is needed. (That's why we don't grow our ears on our rears accidentally). The first cell had to be completely formed before it could ever support the mysterious thing that we call life. An example that I like to use is a Briggs and Stratton 5 horse power motor. It has to be fully assembled before it will run. A cell is significantly more complicated. There are many theories as to where this first cell came from or how it was developed. Once again, "given enough time, anything is possible". The scientists will admit that the odds against this are astronomical but, it did happen. I had cogitated on this for some time; where this first cell had come from and how it had existed. Then a more important question came to mind. Where did the second cell come from?
Finally, the glitch! The first cell would have had to contain, in it's DNA, the information to duplicate itself, or the second cell would have never been formed. The same would be expected of the second cell, and so forth. That multiplies astronomically by astronomically the odds against life coming into existence through the process of evolution. Just a small glitch, but in my mind, the answer to one of the biggest debates in human history. Do yourself a favor and do some research on cells and DNA. It boggles the mind to study God's creation. It also shows that it takes more faith to believe in man's theory of evolution that it does to believe in an intelligent design.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Politics in a Perfect World

Don't know much about politics. Don't need to. God assigns authority, and no power ever attained came from any other source than God. From Lucifer on down, God has filled every position. He will continue to do so as He sees appropriate. There is a plan and God is in control. Some will say, "If so, He is really doing a shoddy job of it"! Or, "A loving God would not create a mess like this"!, "God is not the author of confusion"!, "God didn't intend it to be this way"!, etc. "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God". Romans 13:1
How could anyone of us think that we were all-knowing enough to know the mind of God? He reveals just enough to us to show us that His ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts higher than ours. There are a few verses, (made obscure only by the lack of use), that give us an idea of the extent of His control. This is referred to as His sovereignty. "For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth". Romans 9:17 How many Jews had to die for God to show his power over Pharaoh? God is a loving God, so obviously there was a reason beyond our comprehension.
We should vote. We have to stand for what we believe in. We have the responsibility to care for our family. I haven't voted for a Presidential candidate in years. I have voted against many. Have faith that God knows who to assign as our leaders. He assigned Pharaoh for His purposes, as well as Adolph Hitler and Augusto Pinochet. Whoever is in office, remember this, "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: He turneth it withersoever He will". Proverbs 21:1 Once that assignment has been made, we are instructed in what to do. "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty". 1 Timothy 2:1-2
The next time your pick doesn't get elected to office trust that God is in control. Even the disciples lost hope when Jesus was crucified by the local authorities. Only later did they learn the truth; "Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain". Acts 2:23 God's plan was carried out perfectly! It is still being carried out perfectly! Take courage, God is in control! (More on the perfect world later).

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Having the Mind of Christ, or W.W.J.D.?

In the last few years there has been plethora of paraphernalia associated with the acrostic "W.W.J.D.?" printed on it. Of course this means, "What Would Jesus Do?". It's a catchy little phrase which I'm sure was invented without much thought given to it. Harmless enough, right? Does it further the cause of Christianity? Is it a conversation starter to open the door to witness to the lost? Do the wearers ever think that it applies to them, or just to the readers? Does sporting this little phrase give the wearer a false sense of holiness? Does it really have anything at all to do with having the mind of Christ? It's definitely worth consideration.
Let's just say, that you're a Baptist, (and are not allowed to drink in public). You look in your stash of liquor, and it's empty. WWJD? He would fill up an empty bottle with tap water and turn it into wine. Try it. Let's just say that you were charismatic and had a sick friend. WWJD? Why, of course you would heal him with a touch, (or not). (Jesus didn't heal all of the sick, just a select few). Let's just say that one of your close friends died in your absence. WWJD? Would you merely call out his name and bring him back to life? Try it. Test your faith. Here's another example. You and about 5000 of your buddies are sitting around and one of you decides that you are hungry. WWJD? Do you get the picture?
Doesn't the Bible say, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"? Absolutely! And if left in it's context it simply states that Paul had suffered through many things, as well as abounded. He had been hungry and he had been full. He had learned that he could handle any condition of life with Christ's help. Read it, don't take my word. (Philippians 4:11-13) He had the mind of Christ!
Having the mind of Christ is more than just a slogan. It's all about attitude, but a different kind of attitude than the vast majority have. Submissiveness, not to man, but to the sovereignty of God. Love, but not of self. Humility, not because you chose God, but because He chose you, the foolish, the weak, the base, the despised of the world. (1 Corinthians 26-29) To have the mind of Christ is not having to advertise.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Mistranslation or Misapplication?

While, I will agree that there may be a few mistranslations in the Bible, all of the requirements to obtain eternal life are clear. I believe that the N.I.V. is a tool that can help us understand the Bible in modern day language, but when it comes down to doctrine I stick with the K.J.V. The Living Bible is only a paraphrase and should be taken lightly if used at all. In all Bible study, since the Holy Spirit is the author of scripture, He should be the one who we ask for translation. I really think that the problem comes with misapplication.
1. Scripture is mistranslated when it is taken out of context, such as; "Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.", Rev. 3:20. This verse has nothing to do with salvation and should be left in it's context. It is found in a letter to the church of Laodicea and simply states that if a Christian in a lukewarm church desires a spiritual relationship with Christ, all he has to do is open his heart to him.
2. Scripture is mistranslated when the books, (letters), which are directed to a specific group, are taken to mean us, now, here. Example; "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame.", Heb. 6:4-6. I personally know some "Holiness" people who believe that this means that if a Christian sins just one time after they receive the Holy Ghost that they are eternally damned and cannot be brought back unto repentance. They have to believe that they don't sin; otherwise this scripture would do them in. This letter was written to a group of "HEBREWS" who had been serving God in the way of the Old Testament. Once that they had come into contact with the "new" way, (that is the Christian way; the hearing of the Gospel, the miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit and so forth), they would be held accountable for their knowledge and their sin. Another set of verses which go along with these are found in the same context. "For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins...," Heb. 10:26-27. All this is saying is that once the truth had been revealed to them that they could not go back to sacrificing bulls and sheep to cover their sin. They actually had to "unlearn" the rituals that God had designed temporarily for them hundreds of years before. Jesus was THE way, in this case, the NEW way. This was very hard for them to accept. Can you imagine what it would be like to find out that Jesus wasn't the way anymore; that God had provided a new and better way?

3. Scripture is mistranslated when the books, (letters), which are directed to a specific group, are taken to mean all of humanity. Some specific New Testament books are written to Christians only. Examples; Romans 1:6-7,"Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ: to all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints...", 1 Corinthians 1:2, "Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints...", Ephesians 1:1, "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus and to the faithful in Christ Jesus...", Philippians 1:1, "Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi...", Colossians 1:2, "To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse...", etc. One of the recurring words here is saints. These are the ones that these books are written to, not all of humanity.
Once again, I believe that the problems that we have today in our beliefs are due to misapplications, not mistranslations.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

At the time of this writing

An ongoing rumor over the years is that "under God", would be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America. It hasn't happened officially at the time of this writing. Some individuals have assuredly already removed it from their personal pledge, (whatever that may be).
According to, "Under God" was officially incorporated into the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954. How did we survive as a nation for almost two hundred years before this was added?
A while back there was a rumor circulating around about the new coins. "In God we Trust", was to be removed from the United States currency. The bearers of this rumor cautioned us to not accept any of the coins. I checked into this story to find out if it was true. It is not true at the time of this writing. The inscription was to be moved to the edge of the coin to allow more room for the Presidential portrait. That being discovered by some, they then said that it was signifying that God was relegated to "the edge", and that He would soon be removed all together.
"In God We Trust", has only been on the one cent piece since 1909, and on the ten cent coin since 1916. It has been on all gold coins and silver dollars, half dollar coins and quarter-dollar coins struck since July 1, 1908, according to
Theodore Roosevelt disapproved of the motto. In a letter to William Boldly on 1907-NOV-11, he wrote:
"My own feeling in the matter is due to my very firm conviction that to put such a motto on coins, or to use it in any kindred manner, not only does no good but does positive harm, and is in effect irreverence, which comes dangerously close to sacrilege...It is a motto which it is indeed well to have inscribed on our great national monuments, in our temples of justice, in our legislative halls, and in building such as those at West Point and Annapolis -- in short, wherever it will tend to arouse and inspire a lofty emotion in those who look thereon. But it seems to me eminently unwise to cheapen such a motto by use on coins, just as it would be to cheapen it by use on postage stamps, or in advertisements."
Was the United States of America more of a Christian nation before these inscriptions were added to our pledge and currency, or after?
To some, this topic begs the question W.W.J.D.? 19Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. 20And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? 21They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. Matthew 22:19-21 Apparently Jesus was not concerned that there was no tribute to God on their currency.
The words "under God", in the Pledge of Allegiance, and "In God We Trust", on our currency give many Americans the false assurance that America is still a Christian nation. Is it?
"Under God", can be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance. "In God We Trust", can be removed from our currency. God cannot be removed from anything. God is sovereign. It's all His anyway. Take courage because, "In God We Trust"!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Faith of Our Fathers (and Mothers)

Many of us finish life with what we have been handed at the beginning. Culture, expectations, ambitions, idiosyncracies or faith. It seemed like it worked for our parents. It should work for us too. Usually it will. In years past, children have been cautioned not to, "act above your raisin". Life is less complicated if you don't. Many topics could spring from the idea of staying within the framework of ones upbringing. Right now, I would like to concentrate on only one aspect of the way we were raised; faith.
First, let's use the definition of faith, at least in this present case, as: a religious belief system. At this time, there are reported to be over 38,000 Christian denominations. A denomination is: a group of religious congregations having its own organization and a distinctive faith. Even those groups who claim to not be a denomination, by this definition, are.
If either, or both, of our parents had a particular faith, the chances of our accepting that faith, (if we accepted any faith at all), would be greater than if they didn't have one. If they didn't have one, or at least weren't active in that faith, we may take up the faith of the local church that we were invited to by a friend or relative. If this happens in childhood it solidifies, especially if it is our parents faith, over the years to the point where it is the only acceptable truth. It becomes "Our" faith and a point of pride. We become immovable on this belief system regardless of whether or not we study deeply to see if it is Biblically correct. We take the verses that are bastions of our faith, (sometimes out of context), and fortify our position. There may be other verses which we don't understand or have questions about but, they are not important. We may even become religiously arrogant, knowing that we are "right". It becomes practically impossible to ever be open to the possibility of being "wrong".
There are truly devout people in all faiths. Some will live by that faith, a few will die for it. Most don't understand any other faith, (or care to for that matter). All faiths can't be right. Is any one faith wholly right? (I know, I know, yours is the right one). Are we willing to question "our" faith? Are we willing to be "wrong", (how about incorrect)? What if the faith of our fathers was not the truth? If you are not willing to examine "your" faith in the light of the scriptures, then this blog is not for you.