Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Having the Mind of Christ, or W.W.J.D.?

In the last few years there has been plethora of paraphernalia associated with the acrostic "W.W.J.D.?" printed on it. Of course this means, "What Would Jesus Do?". It's a catchy little phrase which I'm sure was invented without much thought given to it. Harmless enough, right? Does it further the cause of Christianity? Is it a conversation starter to open the door to witness to the lost? Do the wearers ever think that it applies to them, or just to the readers? Does sporting this little phrase give the wearer a false sense of holiness? Does it really have anything at all to do with having the mind of Christ? It's definitely worth consideration.
Let's just say, that you're a Baptist, (and are not allowed to drink in public). You look in your stash of liquor, and it's empty. WWJD? He would fill up an empty bottle with tap water and turn it into wine. Try it. Let's just say that you were charismatic and had a sick friend. WWJD? Why, of course you would heal him with a touch, (or not). (Jesus didn't heal all of the sick, just a select few). Let's just say that one of your close friends died in your absence. WWJD? Would you merely call out his name and bring him back to life? Try it. Test your faith. Here's another example. You and about 5000 of your buddies are sitting around and one of you decides that you are hungry. WWJD? Do you get the picture?
Doesn't the Bible say, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"? Absolutely! And if left in it's context it simply states that Paul had suffered through many things, as well as abounded. He had been hungry and he had been full. He had learned that he could handle any condition of life with Christ's help. Read it, don't take my word. (Philippians 4:11-13) He had the mind of Christ!
Having the mind of Christ is more than just a slogan. It's all about attitude, but a different kind of attitude than the vast majority have. Submissiveness, not to man, but to the sovereignty of God. Love, but not of self. Humility, not because you chose God, but because He chose you, the foolish, the weak, the base, the despised of the world. (1 Corinthians 26-29) To have the mind of Christ is not having to advertise.

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